Friday 19 August 2016

Sarigua National Park :)


The Albina of Sarigua or Sarigua National Park, is located in the district of Parita Herrera province in Panama. It has an area of 8,000 hectares and is also the only desert in the Republic of Panama.

Tips namely

With a history of more than 11 000 years, it becomes one of the oldest areas of Panama and is considered one of the driest land in the country. Although erroneously called desert, it is an albino, given the process of salinization has suffered.

In this site we can find Flora y Fauna:
*   Flora:


*   Fauna:
Alcedo atthis 4 (Lukasz Lukasik).jpg 


*   Temperature:
22°C - 40°C
Resultado de imagen de temperatura 

Also it is divided into three areas: the semi-deserted area, fragmented soils and the sea.
Within the area lie the remains of the oldest pre-columbine indigenous settlement of Panama.

Sarigua National Park

By: Eric Frías

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