Thursday 18 August 2016

Cayo Zapatilla Bocas del Toro

Slippers Keys islands are seen in other websites and advertisements Bocas del Toro sites. These mangrove islands with white sand rings around each and reefs teeming with marine life are within the Bastimentos Island National Marine Park. The local legend is that the islands were formed when God stepped to the ground and thus have the shape of their shoes . They are also ecological importance by nesting hawksbill turtles which are critically endangered species.

The most economical and popular way to reach this paradise is to go with a group on a tour with one of the cooperatives and offices in Bocas Town . You can also hire a boatman if he wants to come and go at your own time . Just remember , come as you reach these shores, Please remove everything that brought the Zapatilla Cays time, especially your trash go.
Cayo Zapatilla Bocas
BY: Irina Jaen

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