Wednesday 17 August 2016

San carlos Lagoon

18 is the depth to which divers have arrived in the lagoon of San Carlos, without touching the bottom.

Temperature: In the dry season between 20 and 22 degrees celsius in the day and at nigth is between 17 and 18 degrees, but according to locals, has reached up 14 degrees.
This beautiful site is located in the district of the same name, about two and a half hours from panama city.

By cleibis montenegro

To get you only need to take the road by the entrance of Las Lajas, near Coronado and continue the next 31 KM. There are also public transport.
The lake is 850 meters above sea level, bordered by the lush beauty of Mount Picacho.

The place has policed during the day. Among the regulations in place, it states that they are only allowed to cook for people who stay to camp, however, the lagoon features a restaurant.
Producers Association for Sustainable Development of the Lagoon, (Aprodesol), composed of the inahbitants, is in change of managing the site.

By cleibis montenegro

Upon reaching the lagoon you can feel as if you were in a different place than any other, I find immersed in its beauty and everything that surrounds it.
An ideal place to escape the city noise and have a moment for you and your friends or family.

By: cleibis montenegro.

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