Friday, 19 August 2016

Playa Venao

Playa Venao

A curvy road will take you down past farmers and their herds and over rolling hills to this beautiful beach full of sun, playa venao surf and good times. Howling monkeys are close by and the hypnotizing sound of the waves rolling onto the sand right out front will lull you to sleep. The perfect place to retreat and find inner peace. Bars and restaurants are only a walk on the beach away! A perfect place to go if you want to get active and walk the jungle, go on a Island tour, go swimming in a waterfall, take a boat and try a fishing at Los Frailes Rocks or simply surf all day every day!

*   Temperature:

*   Location:

*    Climate:

*   Terrain:

*What To do:
this place is recognized for competition of surfing.
for example in the next video.

Activities in the Playa Venao.


Sarigua National Park :)


The Albina of Sarigua or Sarigua National Park, is located in the district of Parita Herrera province in Panama. It has an area of 8,000 hectares and is also the only desert in the Republic of Panama.

Tips namely

With a history of more than 11 000 years, it becomes one of the oldest areas of Panama and is considered one of the driest land in the country. Although erroneously called desert, it is an albino, given the process of salinization has suffered.

In this site we can find Flora y Fauna:
*   Flora:


*   Fauna:
Alcedo atthis 4 (Lukasz Lukasik).jpg 


*   Temperature:
22°C - 40°C
Resultado de imagen de temperatura 

Also it is divided into three areas: the semi-deserted area, fragmented soils and the sea.
Within the area lie the remains of the oldest pre-columbine indigenous settlement of Panama.

Sarigua National Park

By: Eric Frías

Colon Free Trade Zone

The Colón Free Trade Zone is a large entity near the Atlantic entrance to the Panama Canal, located in Panama dedicated to re-exporting a wide variety of merchandise to Latin America and the Caribbean. It is a free port.
The Colón Free Trade Zone is the largest free port in the Americas, and second largest in the world. It started operations in 1948 and occupies about 2.4 km2 (600 acres). It is divided in two large areas: one located in Colon, segregated from the city by a wall, and the other relatively new, in the harbor area, which is designated for warehouses, covering 0.53 km2 (130 acres) and 370 m (400 yards) from Colón's commercial sector.
Since 1917, three years after the opening of the Panama Canal, the possibility of a free zone in Colón was discussed. It was not, however, until the end of World War II that the idea was realized. During the war, many locals were hired to build defense facilities and facilities to provide services for the movement of troops. With the end of troop arrivals came hard times. Later, Dr. Enrique A. Jimenez, president of Panama in 1945, made the free zone project a reality, using the geographic position of the ports and the interoceanic waterway, a compulsory route for worldwide navigation. He recommended the reconsideration of a project prepared by George E. Roberts, vice president of the First National City Bank of New York, that contemplated the creation of a free zone in Colón and that had been submitted to the government in 1929.
In 1946, the government employed Dr. Thomas E. Lyons, a renowned authority on free zones, to carry out a feasibility study in the area suggested for the project. Based on his recommendations, the government approved Law No. 18 of June 17, 1948, which creates the Colón Free Zone as an autonomous institution.

 Name: Cecilia Troya

San Jose Island - Pearl Islands

Isla San José is the second largest island in the Pearl Islands, and has an area of 44 km². At the 2000 census, it had a population of 10. The privately owned island has an area of about 17 square miles. Thousands of wild pigs and deer populate Isla San Jose, which has a rugged, rocky shoreline and over 50 beaches.
A unit of U.S. soldiers tested chemical arms from 1945 to 1947 on the then deserted island, leaving behind at least eight unexploded 500 and 1,000-pound bombs. A U.S. military text states that the larger bombs contained phosgene and cyanogen chloride, and smaller ones mustard gas. Other reports state that the soldiers also tested VX nerve gas and sarin. unexploded ordnance on the islands is estimated in thousands of units of highly dangerous chemical mines. An unknown but large amount of munitions was also dropped into the sea around the island.
The island is served by San Jose Airport

Jean Carlos Alberto 

Anton Valley

The town is located in the flat wide caldera of the 6 km wide El Valle volcano that is inactive; there is evidence that it erupted as recently as about 300,000 years ago  Because of its elevation (600 m), it is cooler than the Panamanian lowlands. Natural attractions near El Valle include the Chorro El Macho waterfall, Las Mozas waterfall, the "square" trees behind Hotel Campestre, and a group of small thermal pools (which consist of three cement pools of mineralized water that varies in color depending on the specific minerals present at a given moment). The area around the town is also known for being one of the last habitats of the critically endangered Panamenian Golden Frog. Some of the forests around the town are protected areas.
El Valle has one main road, called Avenida Central or Calle Central, which runs east–west across the town. A main landmark is the town's public market, which is open seven days a week, although it is sometimes referred to as El Valle's Sunday Market. El Valle has a very small historical and geological museum, as well as a small zoo(El Nispero, named after a type of tree), a small serpentarium, and an orchid conservation center, called APROVACA, which displays over 100 native local orchild species. There are also several petroglyphs west of town that are known as La Piedra Pintada.
Some of the people who own properties in the heart of El Valle are wealthy people from Panama City who use the area as their vacation or weekend home. Popular activities in the area include cycling, hiking, horseback riding, and birdwatching. El Valle is home to around 500 species of birds.
The town is about 25 km off the Interamerican Highway by a two-lane road. The road is generally in good condition, with a few potholes that are repaired regularly. Buses, usually mini-buses, to Panama City are frequent and take approximately 2.5 hours. As of 2014, the last direct bus to Panama City leaves El Valle at 3pm with a fare of $4.25. To reach other locations in Panama, it is generally necessary to take a bus to San Carlos and transfer there. As of 2014, the last bus from El Valle to San Carlos leaves at 6pm.

Nicole Salazar

Los pozos termales

Well thermal infiernillo. Legend has it that el infiernillo was carved by goblins and this should be circulated as accurate shape.
If you're in calobre and yoy feel something adventurous, yo can visit the thermal wells. The entrance of the road, is 25 minutes from town, to get there take a chiva to let you in the pastures entering espinal. We recommend going a little luggage, clothes and walking shoes, because you have to meander the river four times, and cross a pasture. The route is avhieved in an hour each way, and another back.

In wells no cell signal, there are only old ruins that wrre part of a tourist site built over thirty years ago. In those days, the place was a sensation, many people came believers that the water here could vure rheumatism.
A more direct way to get to losnpozos, is by bus or wheel drive vehicle. Thes let you in the house of the lord israel castillo who ussually available to take uou to the site.

By cleibis montenegro